Vaybertaytsh Internship Opportunities! /
We’re searching for interns who want to work in production, education, social media and more! Interested in interning with us? Click here for more info!
Compendium for Episode 32: די עראָטישע פּאָעזיִע פֿון טרױם קאַץ־האַנדלער | The Erotic Poetry of Troim Katz Handler /
Read along to the poetry in Episode 32 below! Thanks to Troim Katz Handler, Shoshke-Rayzl Yuni, and Pearl Lipsky Krupit for your work and for allowing us to display the text for our listeners.
Vaybertaytsh Recorder Fund! /
Hey Vaybertaytsh supporters! Thanks for checking out our donation page.
100% of your donation today will go towards buying Vaybertaytsh a field recorder. With that device we'll be able to make much better sounding episodes, especially on the go, and in particular when we want to chat with more than two people. Thanks so much for your support!
Tsibele: Lyrics and Linklekh /
Hey! Thanks for listening to our episode with Tsibele. To support the band, check out their website here, where you can pre-order their album coming out in the fall!
Di Svet Shop
Es royshn in shap azoy vild di mashinen,
Az oft mol farges ikh in roysh az ikh bin:
Ikh ver in dem shreklekhn tuml farlorn,
Mayn ikh vert dort botl, ikh ver a mashin.
Ikh arbet un arbet, un arbet on kheshbn,
Es shaft zikh un shaft zikh, un shaft zikh on tsol:
Far vos un far vemen? Ikh veys nit, ikh freg nit,
Vi kumt a mashine tsu denken a mol?
Nito keyn gefil, keyn gedank, keyn farshtand gor;
Di bitere blutike arbet dershlogt
Dos eydiste, shenste un beste, dos raykshte,
Dos tifste, dos hekhste vos lebn farmogt;
Es shvindn sekundn, minutn un shtundn
Gor zegl-shnel flien di nekht mit di teg;
Ikh trayb di mashin glaykhn ikh vil zey deryogn,
Ikh yog on seykhl, ikh yog on a breg.
(From "Songs of Generations: New Pearls of Yiddish Song," Eleanor and Joseph Mlotek)
Dem 9tn Yanuar
Dem nayntn yanuar a yomer mit a klog,
Me firt undzere brider fun birzhe in astrog.
Azoy vi me hot zey nor ahin arayngebrakht,
Azoy hobn mir zikh ale a neyder gemakht:
Brider un shvester, far kayn turmes zikh nit opshrekn
Aroys fun di turmes, ale mentshn tsu dervekn
Aroys fun di turmes, mit bombes un dinamit,
Farnikhtn di tiranen, vos zoygn undzer blit
Vos zoygn undzer blut, vi dem bestn vayn,
Der keyser mit der pravitshlstve zoln in dr'erd arayn.
un zey veln ahin arayn,
Vi m'ot a geshrey gegebn: “yidn un kristn!”
Hobn mir geentfert: “daloy kap'talistn!”
Ot demolt veln mir, arbeter, ufhoybn di kep.
Di velt vet vern banayt,
Demolt veln mir, arbeter, vern bafrayt.
The Eve Jochnowitz Companion /
Dear Khavertes,
Remember when Eve and I talked about those feminist cookbooks on the podcast? Here are the images from the 1980 and 1993 editions that she brought to show me. Now it's like you were in the room with us! Enjoy.
But first, here is Eve's favorite recipe -- BLINTZES! Yummm.
Es Gezunterhayt,
1980 front cover
1980 back cover
Five Podcasts to Hear Now /
Tayere Tsuherers:
I hope you enjoyed the first episode of Vaybertaytsh's second season! Abby was such a pleasure to talk to, and I loved working with my pal Ari Greenberg on the interview.
I've been receiving the question from people new to the world of podcasts, "What else should I be listening to?" I've decided to make a top five list of my podcasts (these are just my favorites right now -- it is a constantly revolving list!) in English.
Sosye's Top Five Podcasts of the Moment:
5. The Daily: The New York Time's daily podcast, which started after Trump was elected. Great spot to get inside scoops and opinions on the news of the day. It is usually a tidy, short 20 minute episode - the right amount for not going crazy or getting upset about the state of the world.
4. 2 Dope Queens: Hosted by Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson, 2 Dope Queens is a comedy show that is recorded live.
3. Why Oh Why: Andrea Silenzi tackles the straight dating world in this at times funny, at times sad podcast that wavers between truth and fiction. Perfect for women in their twenties and thirties for whom dating has become stressful or painful, because it gives a sense of camaraderie and brings humor into the experience.
2. The Heart: This show inspired me to do Vaybertaytsh. Formerly called Audio-Smut, The Heart is a show about love and sex. You'll find stories of romance gone awry, strange sexual experiences, one day love affairs, and assault. The show has a solidly feminist and queer voice, and the hosts do amazing things with audio.
1. S-Town: I don't think I need to explain what this is, but fine -- I'll try. S-Town is the story of a man in a small-town in Alabama. Just go listen to it, okay? Trust me.
So now you know what to listen to when Vaybertaytsh takes its usual two week hiatus. Let me know what you think of them in the comments!
In Khavershaft,
Announcing the Vaybertaytsh Cocktail Contest! /
At our Season II Release Party on April 30th, Vaybertaytsh supporters will get a chance to win a free Vaybertaytsh tote-bag from our first ever batch when they enter a special cocktail concoction into our contest! Just make a liter's worth of a Vaybertaytsh-inspired cocktail, bringing your materials with you and arranging it either at the party or at home, and let our special panel of faynshmeckers (of judges with gourmet taste) decide who has made the perfect cocktail evoking the themes of the podcast. The winner of the contest will not only get the tote-bag, but also the glory of having their recipe posted on Vaybertaytsh's social media and a shoutout on the second episode of the podcast. Also, Sosye's voice on your home answering machine. (That's an NPR joke, but I will seriously do that for you if you want).
1) Bring your cocktail, or your materials for your cocktail, to the party, with enough of it to make about one liter's worth.
2) Write a description of your cocktail and any symbolic elements in Yiddish (if you need help, contact Sosye).
If you have any questions contact
Mit Khavershaft,
Zay Gezunt Sayzon Ayns, Borekh-Habo Sayzon Tsvay! /
אַ בריװעלע פֿון סאָסיען
Dear LIsteners,
It's finally happened! Season one came and went, and now we're on hafsoke. I hope you enjoyed season one and that you're as excited as I am to listen to and make new episodes in the spring. I'm putting out the call now: if you have ideas for Vaybertaytsh episodes -- people to interview, radio dramas to put on, panel discussions (we have three microphones now!), the sky is the limit - please get in touch! The next month or so will be a moment to collect ideas and start getting the wheels moving on all of them for the next season.
Also, stay tuned for info about our second season release party, set to be in Brooklyn sometime in late April (post-Pesakh).
Sorry about the English letter -- Squarespace, our platform, doesn't work very well with Hebrew letters, putting the punctuation automatically in the wrong place. It makes me totally insane as someone who wants the site to look... well, nice. Hopefully I'll solve that issue for future posts.
Mit vareme grusn fun Tel Aviv,
Sosye [סאָסיע]
Sosye with Nathalie Hecker, our guest in episode three, at a protest in Tel Aviv last month.
Re: Episode 3, Help African Refugees in Israel /
For those who heard episode three of Vaybertaytsh and thought, "What can I do to help African refugees who have come to Israel escaping persecution and violence?", our guest Nathalie Hecker suggests donating to or volunteer for following organizations.
פֿאַר די װאָס האָבן געהערט דעם עפּיזאָד מיט נחמה העקערן, און האָבן געװאָלט שטוצן אָרגאַניזאַציִעס װאָס העלפֿן פּליטים פֿון אַפֿריקע אין מדינת־ישראָל, זײַנען דאָ אַ פּאָר גרופּעס װאָס נחמה האָט רעקאָמענדירט. אַ שייִנעם דאַנק
Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel
Jerusalem African Community Center
The Tel Aviv Yafo Foundation
The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants
פֿרעג די הײבאַם – Ask the Midwife /
זײַ אַ פֿרײַװיליקער | volunteer /
טײַערע פֿרײַנד
װײַבערטײַטש זוכט מענטשען װאָס קענען העלפֿן טראַנסקריבירן עפּיזאָדן, כדי אז די צוהערערס וואָס זײַנען אָנהייבערס צו ייִדיש קענען בעסער פארשטיין דער פּראָגראם
אױב מען איז גרייט צו העלפֿן, קען מען זיך פֿאַרשרײַבן דאָ. אַ שײַנעם דאַנק